Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 2

It's 7:17am...thought it was 8am so woke up but I was wrong and can't fall back asleep...fast related or just seeing things? or seeing things cause its fast related? or didn't see just dreamt it was 8am?

It's been approximately 36 hours since my "Last Meal" and my head seems OK, a little groggy but that could be the result of the way I woke up. My arms and shoulders feel kind of heavy and my stomach is chatting with my intermittently as if it remembers its hungry every few minutes so has to tell me all about it. Washing my face and brushing my teeth got my heart rate going...it's at 72 beats/min (it's at 60 bpm when I'm just sittin' here typing)

So last night I decided to add two studies or tests to this experiment. Each day I'll conduct the tests and record them on iMovie and I'll post them on the blog as soon as I can figure out how (if you know how please advise).

Test #1: knitting while fasting. I will knit a row on an undetermined object I am making.
Test #2: reading while fasting. I will read one page of Naomi Wolf's The Beauty Myth

Here's last night's mug shot comparing Monday night, December 14th to Sunday night, December 13th. Note: Only eye liners were used on Sunday but no make up was used on Monday.
I think in the 2nd picture I actually look darker. Both images were taken in the same lighting conditions but I think its way too soon to see any changes in my complextion. The only physical change I can think of is that my hair's puffier because I washed it yesterday morning...didn't think I'd have the energy to wash this mane the rest of the week.

gotta see it's:
So over the next week I'll also add some links to videos or articles I've found on the net about to light vs dark skin preferences. Now there's a lot of them but I'm only going to show those that piss me off, make me laugh or are just plain gotta see it's.

This is a Fair & Lovely ad from India. In 1978 Unilever launched Fair & Lovely in India and is now sold in over 30 countries world wide (info sourced from their website).

more to come later!

cover my ass:
This artist does not endorse or reject any product, idea or concept referred to on this blog.

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